foodPicker APP

Story and problem
Have you ever been confused when you want to buy fresh seafood?
Have you ever doubted the comment by the shop owner?
When you want to cook a nice steak for your beloved, have you ever struggle to choose the right steak?
Okay, fine you know a lot about fish and steak, how about watermelon? How about fish tribe?
What if I tell you, all you need to do is to take a snapshot and you will get the information you need?
Snap and Search. You are only one click from the greatest food picking tips. With the help of AI and image recognition, our mobile app can retrieve the precisely crafted and useful information to you within seconds. Save you time from searching and reading.
Of coz, we have a bigger mission!
Demo Video
Vision and mission
Knowledge about food, no matter it is scientific fact or traditional knowledge, is passed from generation to generation, from West to East. We, foodpicker, want to preserve ancient wisdom and at the same time broadcast them to everyone.
My drafted pitch deck is available here. Feel free to reach out to me if you would like to work together!
這個時候,foodpicker 就可以幫你啦。你只需要拿手機出來拍一張照片,我們就會告訴你最需要的資訊,讓一秒變成食材專家!
例如,你想買一個又多水,有甜的西瓜,你只需要影張相,我地就會即刻說給你聽。你要看一下它的紋理,瓜藤,肚臍,拍一拍,聽一下聲音沉不沉實。既方便又快捷! 如果你還想知到來自不同地方的西瓜有什麼區別,滾下去就有了。